Insurance Sales University
Cody's course will show you the ins and the outs of insurance sales. Learn the strategies and techniques to go from a beginner to a six figure earner in this course. Over 3+ hours of content.
ISU - Intro
ISU - Positive Attitude
ISU - The #s of Insurance Success
ISU - Prospecting Activity
ISU - Calling Leads
ISU - Door Knocking
ISU - Warm Market
ISU - Cold Calling
ISU - Follow Up
ISU - 4 Step Appointment Process
ISU - Step 1 - Warm Up
ISU - Step 2 - Fact Find
ISU - Step 3 - Presentation
ISU - Step 4 - Wrap Up
ISU - Objections
ISU - Objection 1
ISU - Objection 2
ISU - Objection 3
ISU - Objection 4
ISU - Objection 5
ISU - Objection 6
ISU - Objection 7
ISU - Objection 8
ISU - Objection 9
ISU - Objection 10
ISU - Price is a Myth
ISU - Building Relationships
ISU - Building Value
ISU - Trial Closes
ISU - Self Improvement
ISU - Daily Success Tips
Appointment Setting Training